CMyFadeButton Class Members

class CMyFadeButton: public CButton

the CMyFadeButton class derived from CButton.

Defined in: MyFadeButton.h

Class Members

Member Functions


CMyFadeButton ()

Constructs a CMyFadeButton object.

virtual ~CMyFadeButton ()

Destructor of class CMyFadeButton

virtual void DrawItem (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)

Draws current object to the specify device.

BOOL GetCheck ()

Returns the specified value.

void MoveButton (CPoint pNew)

None Description.

void SetOnMouleOutNotificationTxt (CString szTxt)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetOnMouseOverNotificationTxt (CString szTxt)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetSoundOnClick (UINT nIdSndClick)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetSoundOver (UINT nIDOver)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetSoundOnClick (CString szSndClickPath)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetSoundOver (CString szSndOverPath)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void LoadStandardCursor (LPCTSTR lpszCursorName)

Call this function to read a specified number of bytes from the archive.

void SetCursor (UINT nIdCursor)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetLoops (int iFadeInLoops,int iFadeOutLoops,int iSteps)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetAnchor (CPoint pAnc)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetOverBitmap (UINT nId,CRect rcOver)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetPressedBitmap (UINT nId,CRect rcPressed)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetNormalBitmap (UINT nId,CRect rcNormal)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetBitmap (UINT nId,CRect rcNormal,BOOL bPressed,BOOL bOver)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetType (TypeS iType = TYPE_NO_FADE)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetBitmap (UINT nIDNormal,UINT nIDPressed,UINT nIDOver)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton

void SetCheck (BOOL bCheck)

Sets a specify value to current class CMyFadeButton


virtual void PreSubclassWindow ()

None Description.

afx_msg void OnPaint ()

Generated message map functions {{AFX_MSG(CMyFadeButton)

afx_msg void OnMouseMove (UINT nFlags,CPoint point)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.

afx_msg void OnTimer (UINT nIDEvent)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.

afx_msg void OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags,CPoint point)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.

afx_msg void OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags,CPoint point)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.

afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk (UINT nFlags,CPoint point)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.

afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd (CDC* pDC)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.

afx_msg BOOL OnSetCursor (CWnd* pWnd,UINT nHitTest,UINT message)

This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message.




int GetLoops ()

Returns the specified value.

void PlaySnd (int iSndType)

Call this function to play.

Data Members


BOOL m_bIsMouseOver

This member sets TRUE if it is right.

BOOL m_bIsClicked

This member sets TRUE if it is right.

int m_iCurFadeStep

This variable specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms.

int m_iType

This variable specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms.

BOOL m_bAnchor

This member sets TRUE if it is right.

CPoint m_pAnchor

This variable specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms.

int m_iFadeInLoops

This variable specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms.

int m_iFadeOutLoops

This variable specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms.

int m_iFadeSteps

This variable specifies a 32-bit signed integer on 32-bit platforms.

HCURSOR m_hCursor

This member specify a value.

BOOL m_bSndOver

This member sets TRUE if it is right.

CString m_szSndOver

You can freely substitute CString objects for const char* and LPCTSTR function arguments.

UINT m_nIDSndOver

This member can be sets with A 16-bit unsigned integer on Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1; a 32-bit unsigned integer on Win32.

BOOL m_bSndClick

This member sets TRUE if it is right.

CString m_szSndClick

You can freely substitute CString objects for const char* and LPCTSTR function arguments.

UINT m_nIDSndClick

This member can be sets with A 16-bit unsigned integer on Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1; a 32-bit unsigned integer on Win32.

CString m_szNotifyOnMouseOverMsg

You can freely substitute CString objects for const char* and LPCTSTR function arguments.

CString m_szNotifyOnMouseOut

You can freely substitute CString objects for const char* and LPCTSTR function arguments.

BOOL m_IsChecked



CFadeHelper fh

This member specify a value.

CBitmap* m_bmBodyPressed

The CBitmap class encapsulates a Windows graphics device interface (GDI) bitmap and provides member functions to manipulate the bitmap.

CBitmap* m_bmBodyNormal

The CBitmap class encapsulates a Windows graphics device interface (GDI) bitmap and provides member functions to manipulate the bitmap.

CBitmap* m_bmBodyOver

The CBitmap class encapsulates a Windows graphics device interface (GDI) bitmap and provides member functions to manipulate the bitmap.

See Also
