What is ITimerPro Download latest version   [X]

iTimerPro is the most advanced program produced in Romania which count the access to net through Dial-Up!
with this software you will be able to hold a relative evidence of time spend and cost accumulated at your telephony provider ;
- the program strategy consist in 2 ways of working :
    1. Live , "watching on" active connections (STD)
    2. Modem log reader (MDML)

Why it's the best

  • The only program on Internet which doesn't require to be started before the connection establishment, on older system (win9x).It knows "to get" the connection time when is started;
  • You can see the DialUp passwords on WinXP WInNT;
  • You can modify the system time; ITimerPro will know it and will recompute the cost according to selected tariff; system time synchronization with AtomicTime servers can be done manualy or automaticaly when the program will detect a connection presence;
  • It's the first program which offer a fix for DayLight bug (for eastern europe country's)..on older systems in which ,the passing from/to summer/winter hour is done in other months;
  • The Engine offer support for N connections (runing simultaneously) each with delay and own tariff;
  • Program database hold more than 20 columns of data about each connection;
  • The exports from database can be done toward other database ,or text format for importing in miscellaneous programs (Excel etc.) or a Html report can be generated;
  • A rich list of actions (shutdown/connecting/disconnecting/notification/running a program) which can be executed on different events (time/cost/custom hours/at connection/at disconnection);
  • Modem Log Reader/Analyzer..using custom tariff files;
  • Traffic graphic for a certaine connection;
  • Editor for tariff files;
  • Build-In dialer;
  • ~800Kb RAM ~0% CPU (system running on Windows2k with CPU Celeron 500Mhz);
  • It has a beautiful interface and it's easy to use;


    Minimum System Requirements :

   · Pentium 166, 16Mb RAM

    Operating System :

     · Windows : 95 / 98  / Me / 2000 / XP/
Modem + a connection to the Internet
     · Internet Explorer (for reports visualization)
     · MDAC 2.5 (Microsoft Data Access Components)

News here

Last version may be found at next url:
http://itimer.home.ro (official site)
http://christig.virtualave.net/ITimer (mirror site)

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