CGSoftLabs wrote:learn to use MouseGestures..and then ...tell me if you can live without it...
Yeap I can live without it, since I can not even get the registered version to load in IE6. Any trick to making it work at all?????
perhaps it is something wrong with your IE6.
-check if the ietools BHO is enabled (see Manage add-ons from iexplorer settings)
-it is possible that other addons to interact with ietools.dll; try to disable other plugins and check if ietools works in this way.
-if you won't suceed in any whay, try a clean XP installation;
CGSoftLabs wrote:learn to use MouseGestures..and then ...tell me if you can live without it...
Yeap I can live without it, since I can not even get the registered version to load in IE6. Any trick to making it work at all?????
perhaps it is something wrong with your IE6.
-check if the ietools BHO is enabled (see Manage add-ons from iexplorer settings)
-it is possible that other addons to interact with ietools.dll; try to disable other plugins and check if ietools works in this way.
-if you won't suceed in any whay, try a clean XP installation;
I am able to get it to work with IE 5.5 though I hate 5.5 as it does not work to well, I am now going to try and install IE6 over top of 5.5 and see what happens.
lorenkjr wrote:
Yeap I can live without it, since I can not even get the registered version to load in IE6. Any trick to making it work at all?????
perhaps it is something wrong with your IE6.
-check if the ietools BHO is enabled (see Manage add-ons from iexplorer settings)
-it is possible that other addons to interact with ietools.dll; try to disable other plugins and check if ietools works in this way.
-if you won't suceed in any whay, try a clean XP installation;
I am able to get it to work with IE 5.5 though I hate 5.5 as it does not work to well, I am now going to try and install IE6 over top of 5.5 and see what happens.
Interesting. Now I know how to install Ietools. At least in my case I had to start with Windows 98Se and version 5.5 of Internet Explorer and getting Ietools installed in that, then installing Internet Explorer 6 over top of that install and everything now appears to work pretty darn good. Guess I was not at all prepared for that many installs but, what the heck computers are sooo much fun. Thanks for being patient with me, I have to admit this almost got me!!!!
however ...sometime in the future i'll make the plugin for ie7, which requires entirely recoding it; i've started the work and now I have the basic skeleton of the BHO plugin which only loads on iexplorer 7 and integrates right in the context menu and Tools menu;
but since this project it was a failure as a buisness, i'm not on a hurry to recode it, for the moment I don't use any plugins with ie7 and I found it's ok, i can live
Sorry to hear that it was a failure. I can certainly understand why though, as shareware simply put is just about impossible unless you have a product that just has to be had by everyone in the world, and there are not very many of those that I know of. I tried it in way back around 1984. I ran a bbs for a local computer company, which I charged them $100.00 a month like deal right. Well it worked till around 1994 or thereabouts, when they went broke. Actually on IE7, I don't exactly see the big deal about it. Why? It's not nearly as stable as IE6 is and it's somewhat of a monster in size. I new feature or two and thats about it. I have Vista and again I don't that big a deal about it. It's got some nice features too but, it's also not something that everyone will want. If I was buying a new computer well that would be a different story. Four of my computers are pre-2000, and they still work very nicely. Hope any new ventures you get into work out better and you take care!!!
I am ready to get it to work with IE 5.5 however I despise 5.5 as it doesn't work to well, I am currently going to attempt and introduce Ie6 over top of 5.5 and see what happens.